Summary biography

Harry is a camp survivor. He was born Chaim Olmer in 1927 in Sosnowiec, Poland. In 1940 with his father and brother he was forced into hard labour repairing roads and subsequently sent to Plaszow labour camp, then on to the notorious labour camp Skarzysko-Kamienna. He was later moved to a sub-camp of Burchenwald and then on to Terezin ghetto, which was liberated in 1945. Harry came to the UK with a group of child survivors known as ‘The Boys’. He qualified and had a long successful career as a dentist, retiring in his 80’s after which he began to speak of his experiences.

Harry was recognised in the King's first New Years Honours list 2023, with an MBE for his service to Holocaust Education.

it’s amazing what people, human beings actually can, can get through, they really can-

Harry Olmer MBE and BEM

Artistic responses